Manifesto Of The TRUTH

Shalom or peace be unto you dear people. My name is Merlin Wotan. A name that signifies twice Mercury. Mercury the God of wisdom and intelligence. From this point on I shall start making videos not only of stories but of my research as well. This shall be the first of many video explaining my ideas on how to fix this world I do hope you'll enjoy. The message I give is not a happy one. In the end it's nothing new. Nevertheless I shall do my best to put it in prospective and to provide a remedy for this our American Crisis. I call it an American crisis yet this crisis I speak extents far beyond America yea even unto the whole world. This Crisis concerns a battle with a great entity I shall call Pride. This entity is cunning vishesh evil. This entity seeks the destructions of all cultures arts and sciences and it wont stop until every single one of us our minds our souls and bodies are destroyed. It has a great hatred for us. Its target currently is the European culture and that of the white race. And once it has completely destroyed them, it will  not ceast until it has destroying every other culture. Again I say this entity will stop at nothing until every single culture or thoughts of such culture or beliefs are eradicated. Until it has crushed our souls and made us all into its robotic unthinking slaves who's only desire is in the service of the hive mind. If you think this is fantasy then please I beg you to continue listening for i shall expose how it has and is and will be the case.


My dear friends when I was a child I had a dream a dream of being a hero and saving this world. I was very much into the video game kingdom hearts and hoped that one day I would obtain the power of a hero. Thus I waited yet as you can guess such a thing never occurred. I was never given such power. Yet years later I released a great truth I already had the power from my birth. Its the power to write the power to learn to speak to laugh to cry the power of logic and so on. Why do i say this?

Because my dear friends you also have amazing gifts that this world has tried to hold you hack from. This world has tried to destroy or hide away that power from you. I asked God my higher self. How am I to help this world. Her answer was simple be yourself and get off computers.


One of the tactics of this entity is that of choices rather the illusion of choices. It preaches to you that you are free. Yet each choice you have no matter what, will have you serving this entity it in the end.

It is a fact dear listener that when you go on the internet that everything you see is monitored and calculated so that you will continue watching. Mostly likely If you are a truth seeker. The tactic is to place before you the bait of truth. Then slowly reel you in with a few truths once you have been hooked the lies begin. Then you begin to eat dog shit. And like it. For they've got you hooked. I've seen this mostly in two major subjects which affect the truth community those of Tartaria and Flat earth.

I've seen people believe that they are some how the underdogs in this community.

Although I must say that it's rather odd that YouTube promotes these subjects. Perhaps the elites had a change of heart. In any case this is what I call

Weaponized truth.

A very simple concept wherein you take a true principle such as that history is fake. You label it. Then you control it. Now that you know that the reality that you were taught was true in fact isn't true. You will seek for and alternative. Thus they will not give you the truth but simply another lie. Not just one but many. Hence is the interpretation of my story the clever boy. The boy represents God. His friends beliefs and religions.  Each one proclaimed what was told them what they believed to be the truth nevertheless In the end all were wrong.

Now I'm not saying that our history isn't false for I do believe it is. I'm simply stating that this tartarian narrative is controlled opposition. Go look at how YouTube promotes this thing look at how some of these truthers are now putting forth the idea that Jesus was Arabic. What a political time to find that out as islam is slowly making it's way to the west. Do understand dear listener. I'm not proclaiming that every single person that promotes this or flat earth is part of some sort of grand conspiracy. Rather I think many of them are useful idiots. People used by the CIA unawares who believe they are spreading truth but are in fact spreading lies in ignorance. I think there is truth to these things but it's being drowned out with lies. Therefore let us take a step back and think outside of the box. Dont except what's given to you.  do you're own research. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm wrong on everything if so I cant wait to find out. And I'll keep studying tell I do. Glory to God for it.

In any case dear listener I want you to know that my answer in saving this world is this get close to God. Whether you believe him to be an actually being or your higher self or what ever. Get close to him. Learn what he needs you to do in this world and then do that thing. No matter who you are you have a gift that the world hates. Dont let this entity win. You're amazing you have a reason to live so let your light so shine before man. That they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.


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