A Fool's Journey

This is a story I felt inspired to share it's a true story a story about how I Merlin Wotan went about to obtain the Fool Arcana. It happened about a year and half ago. I attempted to  go forth unto the north. I planned on going unto the gates of Caspian where it's been said the 22 races dwell. I was ordered to do this by my Lady. I also went forth to find an Alchemical teacher. I thought I would never see my family again and they thought the same. I was told to only bring a few certain items. Like clothing food. Certain books. My staff and sword. I carried with me a long bag around 70 pounds. Another bag on my shoulder around 25. And a backpack around 40 or 50. Tis was all most heavy. Nevertheless before that I had said goodbye to my family. I very much wept. For I truly believed that this was the end. I was going forth to preach to the lost tribes and to find an Alchemical teacher. I had left all my books and things. Behind besides those few I took. And I set off. My lady told me she would provide people to take me to the north and that it would be a most speedy journey. Yet I realized that hitch hiking was far harder then I could imagine. Eventually after much effort I met a kind old women who took me to the edge of town. Next I met a Mexican man who took me to a gas station. There I tried to contact my brother to help me. Nevertheless I had no internet connection. After asking a few people at the gas station. A kind women was willing to take me to salt lake. She dropped me off at a McDonald's. I tried making  contact with my brother who said he would be willing to come forth and let me stay at his house for a night or two. But to no avail wherefore I began to pondered on my journey thus far. I thought about how nothing is going right. I didn't know what to do. I broke down and cried to God. I asked a kind old women for directions to the bus stop. She told me. And would come back a few minutes later. With information on when the bus would arrive. She then out of the kindness of her heart brought me food. She saw that I was sad. And told me things are going to be okay. I managed to make contact with my brother. And the old women left. It would be a while tell he showed up. Thus I pondered. I was told by God it would be a smooth journey. Nevertheless it hath not at all been. I asked God about the Alchemical teacher as promised. Here was when I found out the truth of this journey. God told me. You already had an alchemy teacher Me. Did I not provide you with hundreds of books? I was always there yet you saw it not. When i said go to the north i met go towards the darkness in other words the hidden things. We talked about many other things. Like how i had no friends. God explained that i had lots of friends but i always rejected them because i felt like they couldn't understand. He explained how much I had and how I never saw it. And how the point of this journey was to make a fool out of me. I hadn't even been gone a whole day. Yet upon the day next God wanted me to let go of my pride and say to everyone I was wrong and go home. This was the hardest part of all. Truly I hadn't even been gone a day and I had to admit that it was all for not. At least that's how it would seem to everyone else. Nevertheless by his help I was able. I then was told that I had obtained the fool Arcana. Which at first I assume met that I was only starting out. Nevertheless I later would find that to be classed as a fool meant I was near the crown. Thus was my journey in obtaining the fool.

Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived; thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me. Jeremiah 20:7


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