Moon Gaul Invasion
Salutations daughter. Let us at this time read concerning a bit of word play. To try and figure out the true meaning of things by use of the language of the birds. So shall we begin? From page 256 of Diaries of Speculations
A picture of Lunar rabbit named Usagi
Another thought perhaps it's the Moor Moon wars. The Moors and moon people were fighting. Back in the early days of the church there were those who received blessing saying such things as they would preach to the people of Jupiter or the moon. Something tells me that it's the Moors vs the Mon. The Moors were said to be dark skinned. Perhaps the Lamanites fighting the Nephites is in truth the Moors or dark skinned people fighting the Moon Gauls. If that's the case the Moon Gauls as in history and in the book of Mormon lost the fight. People have been saying recently that many if not most of the European kings were black. Yet we have depictions of them being white. What If they are both right? In other words what if the white version were the royals of the moon. And the blacks of this earth? Which would mean that our histories are mirrors of each other. One black one white. I'm not certain if this is true but I heard that in the baha'I faith they believe that Blacks came from Adam and Eve and whites came from apes or Monkeys Moon keys. Perhaps there is something to that after all.
The Mongol invasion. Perhaps the invasion of the Moon Gauls. Some have said that they can see the continents reflected on the moon. With if the moon is some sort of mirror realm? Gaul or Gallia was ancient France. Thus Moon Gauls is the moon France. The Mormon Wars. Perhaps the More Moon wars? Or the Death Moon wars? I often wonder if Joseph Smith was even a real person. Now I'm starting to wonder if any of it was real as they say. How old is our history really? Is it possible that it was all made up or changed within the last century?
Another thought perhaps it's the Moor Moon wars. The Moors and moon people were fighting. Back in the early days of the church there were those who received blessing saying such things as they would preach to the people of Jupiter or the moon. Something tells me that it's the Moors vs the Mon. The Moors were said to be dark skinned. Perhaps the Lamanites fighting the Nephites is in truth the Moors or dark skinned people fighting the Moon Gauls. If that's the case the Moon Gauls as in history and in the book of Mormon lost the fight. People have been saying recently that many if not most of the European kings were black. Yet we have depictions of them being white. What If they are both right? In other words what if the white version were the royals of the moon. And the blacks of this earth? Which would mean that our histories are mirrors of each other. One black one white. I'm not certain if this is true but I heard that in the baha'I faith they believe that Blacks came from Adam and Eve and whites came from apes or Monkeys Moon keys. Perhaps there is something to that after all.
There is a YouTube by the name of Dracones Scythicus he does great reasearch concerning the language of the birds.
If any one else has any ideas please let me know. Shalom.
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